Great Lakes Trail Marker Tree Society
Founder and President: Dennis Downes

Video footage from Spring/Summer 2022

Island in Canada
Dennis’ Barbarian Shelter website has been updated with all of the progress he made last year during the 2022 Season. We know some of you enjoy keeping tabs on his Wilderness Coast/Downes Studio North Project. Dennis does still plan to return to the Wilderness Coast this summer after his radiation treatments have concluded.

Saturday June 3rd, 2023

Guest speaker at the Land O’Lakes Fish and Game Club’s 75th Anniversary at Lowenwood.
Dennis was invited to be a guest speaker at the Land O’Lakes Fish and Game Club’s 75th Anniversary at Lowenwood (formerly the Conserve School). This historic club is the oldest of its kind in the state of Wisconsin. Club members participate in conservation projects, learn about natural surroundings, and work the local community to enhance the nature of the town and its surrounding lakes, streams, and forests. Over 100 residents and members attended this great event. The main event of the evening was a prestigious knowledgeable speaker Dennis Downes who was assisted by his charming wife Gail Spreen.


Spring, 2023

“Uncovering History: The Role of Billy Caldwell in Potawatomi Treaty-Making”

Short Film
Dennis was involved in and contributed to the short film: “Uncovering History: The Role of Billy Caldwell in Potawatomi Treaty-Making” by Legacy Film. This project started with a book, “Billy Caldwell: Chicago and the Great Lakes Trail” by Susan Kelsey (writer and film producer); Dennis wrote the foreword for the book and was interviewed for it. Once it was turned into a film; Dennis created Artwork (collaborating with Aimee Rusch) that has been used for both PR and in the film itself. Dennis was also interviewed and included in the film. This short film has been making BIG waves at Film Festivals this Spring and has won numerous awards. Dennis couldn’t be happier to see his friend, Susan Kelsey’s project doing so well and is proud to be a small part of it.

For more information about this amazing film (and the upcoming full length film)

Documentary - The Billy Caldwell Movie

April 30, 2023

Blessing of a nearly 300-year-old Bur Oak

Lincoln Park Zoo; Chicago
Dennis Downes and Andrew Johnson (Ex. Director Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois were asked by Alderman Brian Hopkins to participate in a ceremonial blessing of the nearly 300-year-old Bur Oak that stood at Lincoln Park Zoo. Sadly, this ancient tree had reached the end of its natural life and needed to be cut down. To see more about this special event.

300 year old Burr Oak - ABC 7 Chicago

April 4th, 2023

Read Between the Ravines event.

Lake Bluff Public Library
On April 4th Dennis was invited to speak at the Lake Bluff Public Library as part of their Read Between the Ravines event. Dennis, joined by his wife Gail, presented Trail Trees of the North Shore in person and donated a Special Limited Edition copy of his book, “Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness” to the Library Collection. While at the Lake Bluff Public Library, Dennis was able to photograph yet another bronze plaque commemorating a Trail Marker Tree (that once stood in Lake Bluff) from 1936 that is located at the Library. This was a wonderful community event. Special thanks to Jillian and Renee for their efforts in planning and running this event.

March 29th, 2023

“Mayor of Rush Street”
event honoring Harry Caray

Harry Caray’s Tavern on Navy Pier
On March 29th Dennis and Gail attended the “Mayor of Rush Street” event honoring Harry Caray. Dennis and Gail are extremely involved in all things Streeterville and this event was held at Harry Caray’s Tavern on Navy Pier, in the heart of Streeterville. As usual, Grant DePorter put on a fantastic event. They were glad to be part of this celebration and toast to Harry. There was quite a line up of Chicago celebrities including Bill Kurtis, Ron Kittle, Ryne Sandberg, Jim Cornelison, Alderman Brian Hopkins, Jeff Garlin, William Kresse, and Richard Dent (to name a few). It was a great time had by all!

January 26th, 2023

Mitchell Museum of the American Indian

Award Presentation to Dennis Downes
Woody Crumbo Award for exceptional contributions to the research and preservation of Native American histories and art.

January 19th, 2023

History Center of Lake Forest-Lake Bluff

Subject: Native American Trail Marker Trees
January 19th Dennis was invited to speak at the History Center of Lake Forest-Lake Bluff about Native American Trail Marker Trees. This was part of a Lake Forest city-wide initiative focusing on Native American Voices; the Lake Forest Open Lands and the History Center of Lake Forest-Lake Bluff offered a three-part lecture series on local indigenous history and the unique ways that the Native people who came before us used the land. Dennis always loves the opportunity to lecture specifically about the northeastern Illinois area that was so influential in the early Trail Marker Tree studies. Special thanks to Susie Hoffman of The Center for Conservation Leadership for working with Dennis to plan this event.

A few thoughts from those who attended the presentation:
“Thank you for such an insightful and captivating program on Thursday evening. I could tell there was a high level of interest amongst our group and your level of experience and passion is truly something to behold.” – George Sigaev; Programs and Visitor Services Manager, History Center Lake Forest-Lake Bluff

“We were delighted to have you kick-off our presentations on Indigenous Connections to the Land and our Native Voices initiative. I have been wanting to have you present to our community for some time and I am delighted that this could finally happen.” – Susan Hoffman; previous Director of Community Engagement and Outreach, The Center for Conservation Leadership (Lake Forest Open Lands)

“Once again I was amazed at Dennis’ fantastic initiatives regarding Trail Marker Trees, and so much more. I read the booklet you gave me thoroughly. Every page was filled with insights and beautiful artwork.” – Mike Griem; former Chairman and CEO at Griem and Company

For more information about that presentation and the initiative. please feel free to read this article

Also, thanks to George Sigaev, you can watch the entire lecture here

January 18th, 2023

Chicago Architecture Center (CAC)
On January 18th Dennis and Gail were asked by the Chicago Architecture Center (CAC) to host a private showing of their documentary, “The History of South Streeterville.” This showing was specifically for the many CAC Docents to help enhance their knowledge of the Streeterville Community and give them some additional historical tidbits to incorporate into their work. It was a wonderful event filled with those interested in Streeterville History.

For those of you that have not yet been able to see this documentary; below is a link of the documentary with reviews at the end: Click Here to Watch the New Documentary: The History of South Streeterville

November 4th-6th, 2022

The Native American Artisan & Craft Fair

Lake Forest, Illinois
Kick off to Native American Heritage Month. The three day event went off without a hitch, was beautifully organized by the event committee, and was very well attended. Dennis addressed the Chamber of Commerce Friday and gave a short lecture to the crowds both Saturday and Sunday. Dennis and Gail were present all three days. It was great to see many old friends and meet new ones.

One of Dennis' bronzes found a new home and several of his special limited edition books found new homes as well! Thank you to those who purchased them!

A special thank you to Andrew Johnson for continuing to have big dreams for the local Native American Community and making them happen!

Big thanks to everyone that worked tireless to make this event come together: Susan, Andrew, Kim, Dan, Joanna, Ana, and Sue.

Thank you to Dennis Manarchy for allowing Dennis Downes to bring his unbelievable portrait of Robert as the backdrop to the event; it was breathtaking. It was wonderful to have William bring such beautiful flute music to the event as well.

September 20th, 2022: 6 p.m.

The History of South Streeterville

The Chicago History Museum
The fourth showing of Dennis and Gail's "The History of South Streeterville" will be hosted by The Chicago History Museum. After the showing, there will be a panel discussion with four of the interviewees from the documentary. The four panelists will be: Lee Golub, Managing Principal, Golub & Company; Charlie Gardner, Former President and CEO of the Chicago Dock & Canal Trust; Dirk Lohan, FAIA, Principal, Lohan Architecture, pllc; and 2nd Ward Alderman Brian Hopkins. There will be a reception following the panel discussion.

Thursday, July 7th, 2022

Annual Run A'Ground Party

Rooftop Deck at Loews Chicago Hotel
Dennis and Gail hosted their Annual Run A'Ground Party on the beautiful rooftop deck at Loews Chicago Hotel. This party pays homage to Cap Streeter, Streeterville's namesake. They also raised money for two great causes: the Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois (headed by Andrew Johnson) and the Building Boats, Building Kids initiative through the Chicago Maritime Arts Center. Both Toby Lindo and Ted Cartner spoke briefly on behalf of the Building Boats, Building Kids initiative while attending the party. They also were able to introduce a new local business owner and friend, Kimmy Steinback, to the Cap Streeter Crowd. Kimmy owns GLOW Medispa, which is sure to be a success in the neighborhood.

This year's Run A'Ground Party was the biggest yet; a great time at a beautiful venue with wonderful friends. Thank you to everyone who came out and those who donated to the causes.

June 2022

Research Trip
East Tawas, Michigan
Dennis was able to fit in a research trip to East Tawas, Michigan and follow up on a 1961 Edition of East Tawas County News that had Scott T. Williams (Chief Thundercloud) at the site of a Trail Marker Tree on the cover. Hilda "Little Fawn" Williams sent us a photo of the article which sparked our research. We were able to get into contact with Kim Ewing of the East Tawas Library. After many months of going back and forth, she and her husband was able to track down the Trail Marker Tree from the 1961 County News! Dennis was able to meet Kim and document this Trail Marker Tree in person, still alive and healthy despite being partially buried by nearby road construction. For Dennis to visit the several of same trees as Thundercloud decades later has been such a special experience.

Special thanks to Hilda for sending us the Newspaper article; special thanks to Kim Ewing for all of research and taking the time to meet Dennis in the field.

Wednesday, April 27th, 2022

The History of South Streeterville

AMC River East Theater in Downtown Chicago (Streeterville)
Wednesday, April 27th was the SECOND showing of our Documentary, "The History of South Streeterville" at the AMC River East Theater in Chicago, Illinois. We couldn't be happier with the turnout, the reviews, and special guests that were in attendance.

Charlie Gardner (featured and honored interviewee from the documentary) returned for the second showing. Gene Golub (founder of Golub & Co.) came with his son, Lee Golub. (The Golub Family commissioned the Captain Streeter Sculpture; they are considered an institution in Streeterville.)

Several Chicagoland Native Americans that have worked with Dennis over the past years (some decades) also attended the showing; Andrew Johnson (Cherokee, Executive Director-Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois), Verlyn Spreeman (Menominee, descendant of Chief Alexander Robinson), Lisa Davis (Nez Perce, descendant of Chief Joseph). Also, Chicagoland Archeologist, Dan Melone who has also worked with Dennis and the Native American Community.

Thanks for attending and the great reviews: Malek Abdulsamad, John Ward, Etzer Cantave, Mike Skowron, Gene Golub.

Wednesday, March 30th 2022

The History of South Streeterville

AMC River East Theater in Downtown Chicago (Streeterville)
Dennis and Gail's Documentary, "The History of South Streeterville" premiered at the AMC River East Theater in Downtown Chicago (Streeterville) to a full house and a standing ovation. This documentary took several years, countless interviews, rounds and rounds of edits, collaborating with many of the individuals that helped shape Streeterville into what it is today and it was all worth it! This documentary is the story of the rise of Streeterville from the men and women who played a part in it. Dennis and Gail could not have been happier with the responses and reviews to the film.

Despite the inclement weather, the theater was filled with nearly 400 friendly faces from both within and outside of Streeterville. Dennis was honored to have special guest, Janet Davies, drive in from Michigan to sit next to Dennis and Gail for the premier.

Thank you everyone for making the premier a success.

Friday, March 25th 2022

Mitchell Museum of the American Indian

Evanston, Illinois
Dennis had the pleasure of meeting with the new Executive Director of the Mitchell Museum of the American Indian (Evanston, Illinois), Kim Vigue. Kim was able to meet with Dennis at his studio and discuss some of his research and artwork. Dennis is looking forward to working with Kim in the future.

March 5th, 2022

DuSable Heritage Association Annual Gala
(DuSable Park, DuSable Scholars Program)
The New Phase of the Legacy. Dennis and Gail were happy to be invited and attend this great event; they have worked with this organization for over a decade. Andrew Johnson and his wife Penny, were able to join Dennis and Gail for this event. Dennis and Andrew have participated in the DuSable Blessing Ceremony on the DuSable Bridge for years. It is amazing to see the continued progress and exciting projects moving forward. It was great to see old friends and make new ones.
Left to right: Serge JC Pierre-Louis (DuSable Park Coalition); Andrew Johnson (Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois); Dennis Downes (Great Lakes Trail Marker Tree Society); Ron Henderson (Illinois Institute of Technology Landscape Architecture and Urbanism Program)

February 2022

White Oak Trail Marker Tree

Research trip to Texas
Dennis was able to document another White Oak Trail Marker Tree in Texas thanks to Andrea and her husband, Jeff. Years ago Andrea bought her husband Jeff our book, "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness" as a gift. Last year, they discovered a centuries old Trail Marker Tree on their ranch in the Nacogdoches area! During Dennis' trip to their property he was actually able to help locate a lost calf, it was quite the adventure. Andrea is a citizen of the Cherokee Nation (a connection they were able to discuss as Dennis' Aunt was also a part of the Cherokee Nation and was a big influence on his Native American Studies). Thank you Andrea and Jeff!

February 2022

White Oak Trail Marker Tree

Research trip to Kentucky
Dennis was able to document a White Oak Trail Marker Tree in Central Kentucky. This tree stands on private property and is well over two hundred years old. The property has been in the family for generations and the property owner informed Dennis about a known river ford (hard bottomed river crossing) directly in line with the tree. Much thanks to Dooie for his time and hospitality in showing Dennis this tree on his property!

Dennis Downes' 20th Anniversary Show

The Grove
1421 Milwaukee Ave,
Glenview, IL. 60025
Opening Night
Thursday, December 2nd: 5pm - 10pm
Friday, December 3rd: 1pm - 10pm
Saturday, December 4th: 1pm - 10pm
Sunday, December 5th: 12pm - 5pm
This 20th Anniversary Solo Art Show is Dennis Downes' premier show of the year, featuring all of his newest pieces and research. His works include Landscape pieces inspired by location studies, as well as Impressionistic work, some, influenced by his Native American studies. We are excited to announce that this year the Artist will showcase several Original Bronze Sculptures and High Reliefs; large and small bronzes will be available. As a favorite feature of the show, Downes, author of "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through The Wilderness" will be showing his most current Trail Marker Tree Exhibit and video documentary. Downes' Trail Marker Tree Exhibit is the largest in the country.

The Artist's 16' Trail Marker Tree Sculpture; permanently stands on the grounds of The Grove and can be viewed during this show.

Downes will also have a video documentary following his work building Studio North (aka The Barbarian Shelter) alone in the wilderness of Canada.

Each year the award winning Artist and Author donates part of the proceeds from this show back towards preservation of the beautiful Grove Redfield Estate, surrounded by acres of picturesque forest! This will be Dennis's last annual Four Day Solo Show, although there will be smaller events in the future, the is The Grand Finale Show, you don't want to miss it!

October 16, 2021

Antioch Fine Arts Foundation Fundraiser

Antioch, Illinois
We could not be happier that event will be held at The Rivalry Alehouse; owners Jerry Johnson and Jim Donohoe, have been staunch supports of Dennis’ artwork and Trail Marker Tree Project for the Village of Antioch. The Rivalry Alehouse is an amazing venue, we can’t wait!

The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation is a completely volunteer organization that provides education and opportunities in the arts and music. So please, come out and join Dennis, Gail, Liz, and special guest Andrew Johnson for a fun night and a great cause!

July 15, 2021

3rd Annual Run A’Ground Party

Chicago, Illinois
Dennis and Gail hosted their 3rd Annual Run A’Ground Party; honoring Captain George Wellington Streeter, namesake of Streeterville. This event was held on the stunning third floor, rooftop deck at Loews Hotel in Downtown Chicago. This event was attended by many of the prominent members of the business community from the Streeterville and surrounding areas. Thank you to our special guest speakers: Andrew Johnson, Executive Director of the Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois; Ted Cartner and Toby Lindo of the Building Boats, Building Kids initiative from the Chicago Maritime Arts Center. (The Chicago Maritime Arts Center will be having their Annual Fundraiser for this great cause on August 4th: Rock the Boat! - CMAC Fundraiser at Trader Todd's | Chicago Maritime) Thank you to those who came out and made it a fantastic evening.

July 10th-11th, 2021

Antioch Fine Arts Foundation

20th Year Anniversary Show Reception and Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting for their new Gallery
This past weekend the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation celebrated their 20th Year Anniversary Show Reception and Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting for their new Gallery on Main Street. Dennis, one of the founding members, was surprised and honored to perform the ribbon cutting. Mayor Scott Gartner came to support the Foundation; it was a great time had by all! This new location and Gallery are a great step forward for the Foundation. If you haven't stopped by, the new Gallery looks amazing and is worth the visit!

Dennis was also asked to be the judge for the 20th Year Anniversary Show. You can see Dennis with friend and fellow founding member Roger Shule by the winning piece.

July 3, 2021

Virtual 130th Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Continental Congress American Indians Committee Annual Event
We are so proud to share with you that Dennis was selected to be the principle speaker for the Virtual 130th Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Continental Congress American Indians Committee Annual Event; it was released on July 3rd, 2021. It was a true privilege to be part of this time-honored tradition. The DAR currently has a membership of 190,000 Daughters from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and many international chapters. Since its founding, the DAR has promoted historic preservation, education, and patriotism and those objectives are reflected in all of the events of DAR Continental Congress. Special thanks to Suzanne Heske (National Chair, American Indians Committee) and Sandra Walker (American Indians Chair for NSDAR Virtual Congress Event) for all of their efforts in making this virtual event a success. Here's a link to the file where you can view the entire presentation (Dennis’ introduction begins 21:45)

“The presentation was wonderful. The American Indians Committee is very proud of your entire Congress Presentation; it was very well received.” –Sandra Walker

June 21, 2021

Kenosha, Wisconsin

Building Boats, Building Kids project
I was able to film and take some photos of the members of the Building Boats, Building Kids project working with the local Boys and Girls Club. Ted Cartner (past president of the Antique Boat Society) was working with Patrick McBriarty (Program Coordinator, Chicago Maritime Arts Center, Building Boats, Building Kids), along with members of the Kenosha Boys and Girls Club to give some of these local kids a great experience.

The Building Boats, Building Kids mission is to bring kids to the lakes and rivers that made the city. It teaches the maritime arts and marine ecology and helps kids find themselves and new pathways while learning to build boats. As a longtime member of the Antique Boat Society and boat enthusiast myself, I cannot say enough good things about this project and its members.


Following Chief Sauganash

Documentary film sharing the Billy Caldwell story
We are excited to announce we are in the development of a documentary film sharing the Billy Caldwell story. Dennis Downes, artist and researcher shared his trail marker tree research and knowledge during our filming. Next up - Chicago-area Native Americans and the history of the 1830 Indian Removal Act.


Oregon, Illinois

Art Casting of Illinois
Dennis had the pleasure of revisiting Art Casting of Illinois; the foundry that cast the very first bronze Trail Marker Tree sculpture Dennis ever created back in the 1990's. Dennis made this visit with documentarian Lesley Topping; as part of Lesley's final interviews for the documentary on Dennis' work.

Art Casting of Illinois is responsible for some of the most significant sculptures in our area including the Michael Jordan Project; the Mother Teresa Project, and the Michelangelo Project, the Lincoln and Douglas Project, and too many others to list. Art Casting of Illinois is one of the finest foundries in the Midwest.

During this visit, owners, Harry and Karly, could not have been nicer. It has been a pleasure working with them over the past three decades and an honor to have had them cast the first Trail Marker Tree.

May 1, 2021

Chicago, Illinois

12th Annual Streeterville Cleanup
Dennis and Gail participated in the 12th Annual Streeterville Cleanup. This effort covered 20 city blocks and resulted in 106 full garbage bags!! This event was hosted by S.O.A.R. and had over 50 volunteers, including members of the Chicago Police Department. Gail Spreen, member of S.O.A.R., has been involved with this annual cleanup since its beginning and has always been one of the event organizers. The event even made the news on Fox, ABC, and WGN! Special thanks to everyone that participated; we hope to see you next year!


Cob Hill Natural Building School
Field Research

Oak Native American Trail Marker Tree
Dennis was able to get back to some in the field research! This beautiful Oak Native American Trail Marker Tree was first recognized by one of the students at Cob Hill Natural Building School; she then brought it to property owner, Cat Taylor’s attention. Luckily, the student had seen some of Dennis’ work and realized the significance of this tree. Cat reached out to us, and as they say, the rest is history! Thank you Cat and her wonderful students! This historic tree will be protected and treasured for years to come. Dennis hopes to visit many more trees this coming year.

These photos were taken at the site of this ancient Trail Marker Tree in Texas during Dennis’ talk on the significance of the Trail Marker Trees. Cat Taylor also spoke about the Caddo Village, the nearby exposed clay deposit, and the nearby trading post. The group photos include: Dennis Downes, Gail Spreen, Cat Taylor, Tanya Santana, Kaya Martinez, Jon Paasch, and Ian Carpenter.


Illinois Park Association and Illinois Association of Park Districts

Community Service Award
The Illinois Park Association and Illinois Association of Park Districts with the Executive Director of the Glenview Park District, Michael McCarty, presented Dennis with the Community Service Award in recognition and appreciation of outstanding contributions and unselfish devotion for the state of Illinois. Downes was also instrumental in the dedication of a historical Trail Marker Tree in Warrenton, MO for which the Thomas Kennedy Chapter, Warren County of the Daughters of the American Revolution received the Missouri State Preservation award.

November 7th, 2020

Native American Heritage Month
2nd Annual Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois Meeting

The Grove
Glenview, Illinois
Andrew Johnson (Executive Director of the Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois) met with Dennis at the site of his Trail Marker Tree Sculpture located at The Grove in Glenview, Illinois. This meeting was not only to commemorate Native American Heritage Month, but also to kick off the 2nd Annual Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois Meeting. During this event, Andrew explained the practice of smudging and performed a smudging of both the Sculpture and the Artist. Also during this event, Dennis explained the significance of the Trail Marker Trees and the location chosen for his sculpture. Dennis and Andrew have collaborated on many projects throughout the years; Dennis was honored that Andrew chose the site of the Trail Marker Tree Sculpture to help commemorate Native American Heritage Month.

You can view some of the video clips from this special collaboration and meeting with the following links:
2nd Annual Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois Meeting
Andrew Johnson explains smudging, performs smudging
Dennis Downes explains significance of Trail Marker Trees and this location

August 29th, 2020

The DuSable Commemoration and the 100th Anniversary of the Michigan Avenue Bridge (DuSable Bridge

Chicago Illinois
The DuSable Commemoration and the 100th Anniversary of the Michigan Avenue Bridge (DuSable Bridge) was a wonderful event! Cherokee Elder, Andrew Johnson (Ex. Director of the Native American Chamber of Commerce of Illinois) performed a blessing/smudging of the bust of DuSable to begin the event; joined and assisted by Dennis. Serge Pierre Louis, President of the DuSable Coalition, emceed the program and told the story of DuSable and his wife Kittihawa, including how DuSable founded the City of Chicago. Kimberly Bares, President and CEO of the Magnificent Mile Association spoke of DuSable, inclusion, and the importance of the Bridge's 100th Anniversary. Faheem Majeed, from the Floating Museum, spoke about his art project that was part of this event. Thank you to everyone involved including Friends of the Park. Dennis and Gail were honored to be part of this historic celebration (Dennis and Gail have been involved with the annual event for many years).

July 10th, 2020

Streeterville, Chicago Illinois

2nd Annual Cap Streeter Run A'Ground Party
Dennis and Gail hosted the 2nd Annual Cap Streeter Run A'Ground Party at Streeterville Social's gorgeous rooftop bar. Dozens of guests commemorated the day when George Wellington 'Cap' Streeter ran his ship into the Lake Michigan Shore and began developing the neighborhood that bears his name. Dennis also made sure to use this event to raise awareness and fundraise for a great cause, Building Boats, Building Kids through the Chicago Maritime Arts Center.

The following week, Toby Lindo (the executive director of the Chicago Maritime Arts Center) invited Dennis along with some of Dennis' friends, out for a boat ride aboard Toby's boat the "Robert Allen II" (1936, 40ft. Classic Wooden Boat). This was a thank you to Dennis and Gail for their help and support of the Building Boats, Building Kids initiative. This initiative helps to bring kids to the lake and river that made Chicago; to teach the maritime arts and marine ecology and to help kids find themselves and new pathways while learning to build boats.

Long-time friend, and Board member Ted Cartner, introduced Dennis to the Building Boats, Building Kids project. Ted already knew Dennis' love of boats, both being members of the Black Hawk Chapter of the Antique Boat Society for decades. It was a great Friday night in the city, departing from Ogden Slip right next to Navy Pier and seeing the City from the River. Andrew and Penny Johnson were able to discuss plans to involve Native American children in this project going forward. Dennis hopes to introduce new donors, supporters, and participants to this great program. Rob and Jeanne Martini, longtime friends, also donated to this cause and joined for the boat ride.

19th Solo Art Show at The Grove

Opening Night:
Thursday, March 26, 2020: 5p.m.-10p.m.

Friday, March 27, 2020 1p.m.-10p.m.

Saturday, March 28, 2020 1p.m.-10p.m.

Sunday, March 29, 2020 12p.m.-5p.m.

The Grove: 1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL 60025
This 19th Solo Art Show is Dennis Downes' premier show of the year, featuring all of his newest pieces and research. His works include Landscape pieces inspired by location studies, as well as Impressionistic work, some, influenced by his Native American studies. We are excited to announce that this year the Artist will showcase several Original Bronze Sculptures and High Reliefs; large and small bronzes will be available. As a favorite feature of the show, Downes, author of "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness" will be showing his most current Trail Marker Tree Exhibit and video documentary. Downes' Trail Marker Tree Exhibit is the largest in the country. The Artist's Historic, 16' Trail Marker Tree Sculpture; permanently stands on the grounds of The Grove and can be viewed during this show.

Downes will also have a video documentary following his work building Studio North (aka The Barbarian Shelter) alone in the wilderness of Canada.

Each year the award winning Artist and Author donates part of the proceeds from this show back towards the preservation of The Grove Redfield Estate. Don't miss this exciting Show and Exhibit at the beautiful Grove Redfield Estate, surrounded by acres of picturesque forest!

Chicago Flower and Garden Show
Navy Pier

March 18th - March 22nd, 2020

600 E. Grand Ave, Chicago, IL 60611

Wednesday: 10a.m. - 7p.m.

Thurday: 10a.m. - 7p.m.

Friday: 10a.m. - 7p.m.

Saturday: 10a.m. - 7p.m.

Sunday 10a.m. - 6p.m.
Dennis will be premiering his newest 7' Bronze Trail Marker Tree Sculpture as a special part of this year's show. He will also be one of the featured guest speakers during the event. Dennis has been working with Bernard Jacobs and Catherine Longmire to create the design surrounding the sculpture.

A Special Discount code for Dennis' patrons: TREEMARKER20
$4 off when purchase online:

Illinois Park and Recreation Association
Glenview, IL.

February 27th, 2020

On February 27th, 2020 the Illinois Park and Recreation Association and Illinois Association of Park Districts with Glenview Park District presented the Community Service Award to Dennis Downes. "In recognition and appreciation of outstanding contributions and unselfish devotion for the advancement of parks, recreation, and leisure in the community and the state of Illinois." This is truly an honor for Dennis.

1st Annual Native American Professionals Breakfast.

November 19, 2019
Native American Chamber of Commerce event; Andrew Johnson, Executive Director.

On behalf of the Native American Chamber of Commerce, Andrew Johnson received a proclamation from Gov. Pritzger. This even was attended by Native American Elders from across the country as well as local city officials. Alderman Brian Hopkins also spoke in support of organization. Mr Downes' work was acknowledged by Andrew Johnson during the event and all are looking forward to next years even larger attendance.

Independent Film Maker, Lesley Topping

November 14, 2019
Independent Film Maker, Lesley Topping joined up with Mr. Downes in Iowa for some final filming of a three year project of filming Mr. Downes at Native American sites with collaboration with Director and Producer Gary Donatelli. They returned to Illinois to the artists studio for an in-depth interview regarding the artists sculptures and to visit sites of Mr. Downes' permanently installed sculptures.

Serpent Mound Ribbon Cutting

Monday, October 14, 2019 12 pm - 4 pm

Schiller Woods-West
West Irving Park Rd
Schiller Park, IL 60634
Through funds provided by the Our Great Rivers program, this installation marks one spot of the Northwest Portage Walking Museum. A drum and dance performance, and outdoor activities included in celebration. Free shuttles throughout event to mound site at Irving Park Road Canoe Landing.

I Love The Arts
Annual Silent Art Auction & Fundraiser Antioch Fine Arts Foundation
Friday, October 11th, 2019

Anastasia’s Restaurant & Sports Lounge
950 Hillside Avenue, Antioch, IL
Mr. Downes is a founding member of the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation and participates in this fundraiser every year. 2019 was a complete success.

Public Art choice- Captain George Wellington Streeter
By Craig Kaiser
Streeterville River East

September, 2019
Streeterville Public Art Project presents our selection of the month, The Statue of "Captain" George Wellington Streeter, the namesake of our neighborhood. You can find the bronze statue of Cap Streeter on the northwest corner of McClurg Ct. and Grand Ave. He stands eight feet tall and captures the imposing personality of the man who "shipwrecked" his boat, the Reutan, in 1886 near the now intersection of Fairbanks and Superior. You see, today's Michigan Avenue was the shoreline of Lake Michigan before Cap Streeter arrived. In the aftermath of the Great Fire of 1871, much of the cleanup efforts consisted of dumping massive amounts of debris and building materials in the lake. Soon after Cap "landed" he conspired with certain contractors to dump these materials into the lake in order to connect his boat to the shore. He claimed the resulting land as an "independent District of Lake Michigan" and sold plots. Wealthy shoreline owners sued to evict him and clean out his shantytown. After a gun battle and several lawsuits, the controversial and eccentric Captain was evicted and jailed. As early as the year 1901, the area became referred to as "Streeterville" and has retained the name ever since. The Artist, Dennis Downes is a local Streeterville resident from Chicago. Downes is a recognized and award-winning artist and author, best known for his artistic accomplishments over the past four decades and the publication of his best-selling book "Native American Trail Marker Trees; Marking Paths Through the Wilderness". Downes spent a year researching the Captain and creating the sculpture. His vision was to make the statue appear to be in full stride toward the lake, and he succeeded as the statue projects strength and motion. Several times a year the artist stops by to clean and maintain the integrity of the bronze sculpture and particularly enjoys talking to passers-by about the statue and the history behind it. The statue was commissioned by Golub & Co. and installed in January 2010. Special thanks to Golub for investing in Streeterville's Public Art. In case you were wondering, Cap Streeter's dog is named Spot.

Daughters of The Revolution Award presentation to Mr. Downes.
September 29, 2019

Warrenton, Missouri
The Historic Preservation Recognition Award was given to Mr. Downes by the Nation Society of Daughters of the American Revolution, Washington D.C. Thanks to the Thomas Kennedy Chapter for submitting the application for this wonderful honor and organizing this ceremony in Warrenton Missouri.

First Annual Cap Streeter RUN_A_GROUND
July 10, 2019

Chicago, Illinois
July 10, 2019 was the anniversary of George Wellington "Cap" Streeter running his boat aground in Streeterville. The first annual Run A 'Ground Pizza Party had a great turn-out despite a temperature of 102° Gail & Dennis spoke about Cap Streeter's significance to the neighborhood.

A special performance featured Alderman Brian Hopkins channeling the colorful spirit of Cap Streeter. The celebration was inspired by the artist's larger-than-life sculpture of Cap Streeter that stands on the corner of McClurg Court just a few blocks west of Navy Pier in Chicago, IL.

Inukshuk Stone Monument
British Columbia, Canada

May 16th, 2019
Dennis visited this educational sculpture by Alvin Kanak in British Columbia, Canada as part as his on-going research of Native American trail marker trees and related marker systems in North America and beyond.

18th Solo Art show at the Historic Redfield estate

Thursday, March 28, 5 PM to 10 PM
Friday, March 29, 1 PM to 10 PM
Saturday, March 30, 1 PM to 10 PM
Sunday, March 31, 12 PM to 5 PM

18th Solo Art show at the Historic Redfield estate

This solo art show is Mr. Downes's premier show of the year, featuring all of his newest Bronze sculptures, and original paintings, as well as signed and framed prints.

On Saturday at noon there will be a special dedication and blessing ceremony of the 16 foot sculpture of the Native American trail marker tree by Mr. Downes that will be installed at the Grove permanently. There will be Elders from the Native American community from several tribes participating and speaking at the dedication and Blessing of the sculpture. Mr. Downes is the author of the award-winning book Native American trail marker trees marking paths through the wilderness, there will also be the newest documentary video on his travels and meetings with Native American elders at trail marker trees throughout the Great Lakes region. As part of this event for the past two decades Mr. Downes has exhibited the largest informational and photographic exhibit on Native American trail marker trees in the country. It has been updated every year with new documentation and collaboration between the author and the Native American community. The artist has also donated back a portion of the shows proceeds to the preservation of the Grove.

Click here for directions / map

I Love The Arts
Annual Silent Art Auction & Fundraiser Antioch Fine Arts Foundation
Friday, October 12th from 6pm to 9:30pm

Anastasia’s Restaurant & Sports Lounge
950 Hillside Avenue, Antioch, IL
Mr. Downes is a founding member of the Antioch fine arts foundation and participates in this fundraiser every year. This year Mr. Downes showed a video of the blessing and dedication ceremony that was held on main street in Antioch. During the ceremony for the installation of his 7 foot bronze sculpture many members of the community spoke including the Mayor of Antioch and several Native American Elders spoke and performed ceremonial blessings of the artist and the sculpture. Mr. Downes also donates signed prints to the live auction and silent auction as well as signed copies of his book. This is a great event put on by our Art league, and I am proud to be part of it every year.

The Bowen Park Council Circle is Mr. Downes second landscape architect project

May 5th, 2018
10:00am Rain or shine
39 Jack Benny Drive
Bowen Park
Waukegan, Illinois

The Bowen Park Council Circle is Mr. Downes second landscape architect project

16 White Oaks were planted in a 80 foot diameter circle on a bluff known to have been an area of Native American habitation overlooking Lake Michigan. MC of the event was Gail spreen, other guest speakers included Lake County archaeologist Dan Melone who verified the significance of the site, Bernard Jacobs landscape architect who also spoke and acknowledged the significance of projects like this. Conservationist Jean Susie Schreiber was instrumental in introducing Mr. Downes to Executive Director of the Waukegan Park District Jay Lerner and Superintendent of Parks Scott MacLean. Menominee Elder Verlyn Spreeman and Mr. Downes planted the entrance tree at the most easterly part of the Council Circle completing the ceremony. This is the second Council Circle Mr. Downes has completed in our area working hand-in-hand with local Native American Elders. Mr. Downes has actually visited a Council circle made from living trees during his research for his book. The Native American community has expressed its gratitude towards the artist, as the goal of the artist is as the trees grow in the Council Circle so will the friendships and knowledge between Native Americans and local residents.

Installation of the Bronze Trail Marker Tree and Blessing Ceremony.
April 28th, 2018
800 Block of Main Street,
Antioch, Illinois
It is so fitting that this event will be held on Arbor Day weekend; Arbor Day celebrates the role and importance of trees in our lives. Antioch and the Lake County area have a long history of documented Trail Marker Trees. Route 83 (Antioch's Main Street) was once formerly known to Native Americans as the Porcupine Trail. It is our hope that this sculpture will serve as a permanent reminder of this ingenious form of land navigation created by the area's first inhabitants, that was later used by fur traders and early pioneers.

Special Guest, Emmy Award wining producer/director & cameraman Gary Donatelli will be filming the event for his trail marker tree documentary. Cherokee elder Andrew Johnson, president of the American Indian Chamber of Commerce for Illinois will be performing a blessing ceremony and giving a short talk. Hilda "Little Fawn" Williams, Ottawa and direct decendant of Chief Pontiac will also be speaking on her father's Chief Thundercloud and his knowledge of the Lake County Trail Marker Trees. "The Native American Trail Marker Trees are historical links to our past and were a part of the daily lives of many original inhabitants. Our Community is indebted to Dennis Downes for his important and inspiring efforts to discover, properly identify, and preserve these trees throughout the United States. We are honored by his commitment and support his tireless work." -Andrew Johnson

Lock 16 Visitor Center
754 First Street LaSalle, IL 61301
Thursday November 30th
Dinner and Trail Marker Tree Lecture

Cocktails will be served at 5:30pm, dinner at 6:00pm & the lecture will begin at 7:00pm

Timothy O'Tools
412 N. Milwaukee
Libertyville, IL.
Oct. 10th 2017
Green Drinks
Lecture and Book Signing

"Thank you Dennis for such an enlightening presentation! The crowd, larger than usual, was captivated by the facts and photos. Your talk was both in depth, and attention keeping. I think everyone should see this bit of culture direction and history. Who knew! The secret language of trail trees crossed many tribes!"

B Harper

Antioch Rotary Club Auction and Pork Chop Dinner
Antioch, IL.

St. Peter’s Church
October 7th, 2017
Dennis donated a Signed Print of “Return to Sedona,” a signed copy of his book “Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness,” and a DVD of the movie “23 Blast” for the live auction. Over 100 items were in the live auction that raised a record amount for the fundraiser. This was a wonderful, successful, and well organized event. The Rotary Club of Antioch is an organization of service minded men and women that plan to carry out a remarkable variety of humanitarian, educational, and cultural exchange programs that touch people’s lives in their local communities and the world community. Dennis was proud to be a small part of this wonderful event. Special Thanks to Mayor Hanson.

At Scuplture of Captain George Wellington Streeter Corner of East Grand and McClurg Chicago, IL. Oct. 3rd 2017 Filming for upcoming documentary on the history of Streeterville.

Catherine Haremski of HMS Video interviewing Lee Golub and Sculptor Dennis Downes. In front of the bronze scupture commissioned by Golub & Company and created by sculptor Dennis Downes.

Catholic Charities for the Archdiocese of Chicago

A Century of Hope
1917 - 2017
Gala of the Arts
Friday, September 8, 2017
Dennis is a featured artist.

This will be Dennis's 14th time over the years participating in this Catholic Charities fundraising event.

City Hall Mayor's Office Green Bay, Wisconsin August 21, 2017 Artist with Mayor James Schmitt discussing future plans for a Trail Marker Tree sculpture for the City of Green Bay. Dennis has had book signings and lectures as well as planted and shaped Trail Marker Trees for the city. He is looking forward to future projects that would help connect the city of Green Bay and the city of Chicago and there connection to the Green Bay Trail

Downes Studio North Ontario, Canada Aug. 20, 2017 Downes Studio North AKA "Barbarian Shelter" This 10 year project done by the artist alone in the Canadian Wilderness Coast Region on an Island is nearing completion.To see more visit

Chicago Maritime Museum August 18, 2017 Lecture by curator Don Glasell on Captain George Wellington Streeter. Don Glasell, Curator of the Chicago Maritime Museum and speaker guest sculptor of Captain George Wellington Streeter bronze Dennis Downes and Author and historian Richard Bales.

Chicago Womens Magazine July/August issue 2017 Sculpture of Captain George Wellington Streeter and sculptor Dennis Downes appeared in the July/August issue (page 18) in the article entitled "Guide To Streeterville.

Sault Ste. Marie
Meeting with Roxanne Toth -RISSANEN CEO/Dir. of public libraries Sault Ste. Marie.
Sault Ste. Marie

After Dennis's first trip back to Ontario this year spending two weeks in the Canadian Shield area he finished the trip up with a meeting in Sault Ste. Marie. The meeting was with Roxanne Toth -RISSANEN CEO/Dir. of public libraries Sault Ste. Marie. Dennis and Roxanne were finalizing next year's event in Sault Ste. Marie which will be a lecture, exhibit, and showing of the latest video documentary on Mr. Downes's travels and working with Native Americans at actual Trail Marker trees, followed by a book signing. This event will take place next June details will be updated at the appropriate time.
Jane Addams Park Sreeterville Neighborhood Chicago, IL. May 28, 2017 Jane Addams Park cleanup 32 volunteers showed up and spent the day cleaning up the park and beach on Lake Michigan.

Waukegan City Council May 25, 2017 95 Jack Benny Drive Waukegan, IL. Trail Marker Tree Lecture and Book Signing The presentation took place at the Jane Addams Center focusing on the importance of the Trail Marker Trees of Lake County and the re-introduction of Council Circles by artist and author Dennis Downes.

Wisconsin Single trunk directional Trail Marker Tree May 16, 2017 Dennis next to single trunk directional Trail Marker Tree he shaped in the late 1990's. The author has shaped Trail Marker Trees in several states and Canada going back nearly 30 years.

Nature & Literature Festival

Saturday, April 29, 10 am - 3pm.

Lake Katherine Nature Center and Botanic Gardens.
Nature & Literature Festival

At Lake Katherine Nature Center and Botanic Gardens. Join us for this first of its kind festival in Palos Heights dedicated to nature and writing featuring guest speaker author Dennis Downes who will discuss his book Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through The Wilderness and give a demonstration of how to create a trail marker tree at Lake Katherine. Dennis' lecture will be from 11 a.m. - 12 p.m. , followed by a tree planting. The festival will also include writing booths, create-a-poem wall, author and photography exhibits, art projects for children, a literary themed hayride adventure, and food vendors. This event is sponsored by Lake Katherine and the Palos Heights Public Library and is free to the public.

17th Anniversary Grove Show April 1st Special event took place on Saturday afternoon. Several members of the Ottawa tribe attendended the event. Hilda "Little Fawn" Williams presented Dennis with the Eagle Feather Award for his contributions to the Native American Community.

17th Anniversary Grove Show Opening night; March 30, 2017 Janet Davies was a special guest for the opening night and she also wrote the forward for the award winning book "Native American Trail Marker Trees, Marking Path's through the Wilderness."

17th Anniversary Grove Show

March 30, March 31st, April 1st, April 2nd
The Grove Show: March 30, March 31st, April 1st, April 2nd 2017

This March and April, Dennis will be having his annual solo show at the Grove Redfield Estate. His award winning artwork, both paintings and sculpture, will be on display and available for purchase. His newest originals and both small and large prints will be available. There will also be the largest and newly updated Trail Marker Tree Exhibit, featuring photographic and written documentation of the Trail Trees both past and present. Special part of this year's show will include new never before seen large and small bronze sculptures. Admission is free.

For information contact:
Carol DeLorenzo, Redfield Coordinator, 847-298-0095.
1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL

Click here for directions / map
Grove Redfield Estate

Milwaukee Public Museum Natural History Museum 800 W Wells St Milwaukee, WI. January, 2017 Earl Otchingwanigan Canoe Exhibit and Video "Hidden in The Trees" Dennis and Gail were honored to meet Christie and Earl Otchingwanigan at the Milwaukee public museum for a private explanation of the making of the Birch Bark Canoe on exhibit. Later they discussed recent trips to Native American Trail Marker Tree sites in Michigan and Iowa.

October 25, 2016.

Traverse City Michigan
Trail marker tree dedication
Grand Traverse County Parks and Recreation Department
Trail Marker Tree Dedication Ceremony

Author, artist and trail marker tree expert Dennis Downes' consultation, vast knowledge, and expierence was invaluable to the Native American Trail Marker Tree placemaking project at the Grand Traverse County Civic Center in Traverse City. From crafting accurate language for the signage, to educating project managers about the tree's historical significance in our region and the greater context of our nation, Dennis' enthusiasm, passion, and generosity will always be appreciated by out community, especially the Grand Traverse Tribe of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians, who were honored during a special ceremony at the tree on October 25, 2016. I am grateful to know Dennis and to have leaned so much about trail marker trees. I've received many compliments on the project and on the ceremony from those who attended. It's one of the greatest things that's happened for County Parks and Recreation this year. I will never look at a tree the same, now, and seek out such trees when traveling. What a gift!"
Kristine Erickson, Director, Grand Traverse County Parks and Recreation Department

North Carolina Trail Tree Research Oct. 8 2016 Dennis was joined by a film crew with producer Gary Donatelli, Gail Spreen and Tracy Reed of Cherokee decent during hurricane to research and record this Trail Marker Tree.

Naming Ceremony Escanaba, Michigan August 25th 2016 "It has been a long Ojibwe tradition to bestow an Ojibwe Name in honorarium on one who has over a lifetime has given much respect to Ojibwe and other Native Cultures" Professor Emeritus - Earl Otchingwanigan; Cultural Bearer of the Ojibwe people. "Mayaagaabaw" Meaning "He Stands Foremost Amongst Others"

Trail Marker Tree Exhibit 432 East Grand Ave. Chicago, IL. June, 2016 Reporter from local Chicago magazine interviewing author for an upcoming article regarding Trail Marker Trees and their ties to the Chicagoland area as refered to by Professor Raymond Janssen in the 1920's and 1930's.

Ferris Fest Northbrook, IL. Hometown of John Hughes. Motion picture producer, director, and writer. May 20-22, 2016 Cheryl Fyne, Northbrook village offical and coordinator of the events that took place honoring the movie, "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". Written and produced by John Hughes. Dennis was asked to be one of the guest speakers for the event relating stories pertaining to their time spent at at Glenbrook North High School in art class together and field trips they took to The Art Institute in Chicago. Dennis was proud to be part of this event.

Salem Wisconsin Double trunk Trail Marker Tree May, 2016 Dennis next to double trunk Trail Marker Tree he shaped with arborist Brian Buchholz. Dennis has tried several techniques over the years taught to him by Native Americans and historians.

Des Arc, Missouri Trail Marker Tree May, 2016 Author Dennis Downes next to famous Des Arc, Missouri Trail Marker Tree. This Oak tree is over 40" in diameter on private property. The land owners going back generations protected the Trail Marker Tree that pointed to a still active and crystal clear spring. Foresters, teachers and school children were brought to this tree to learn of the use of the Trail Marker Trees in this part of Missouri.

Trail Marker Tree Exhibit 432 East Grand Ave. Chicago, IL. May, 2016 Pictured is Timothy A. Schuler, Contributing Editor for Landscape Architecture Magazine meeting with author Dennis Downes for the 3rd time regarding the article entitled "Searching For A Sign" that appeared in the November issue, 2016 Landscape Architecture Magazine. The 6 page article discussed the history of the Trail Marker Tree and the relationship to the Great Lakes Region and beyond.

Joeseph Sears School Kenilworth, IL. May 3rd, 2016 Dennis revisited the school for the 3rd year, where he gave a lecture to the students about the trail marker trees and their area's special connection to the history of the trail marker trees.

GEMS World Academy April 29th 2016 432 East Grand Avenue Chicago Trail Marker Tree Exhibit Dennis gave a lecture to the students of the GEMS World Academy of Chicago of uses and history of the Trail Marker Trees. "The students came back so full on new knowledge and enthusiasm for this added information about the trail marker trees, how they were made and used. "Stephanie Nelson, Educator, GEMS World Academy.

16th Anniversary Grove Show

March 10th - 13th 2016
The Grove Show: March 10, 11, 12, 13, 2016

This March, Dennis will be having his annual solo show at the Grove Redfield Estate. His award winning artwork, both paintings and sculpture, will be on display and available for purchase. His newest originals and both small and large prints will be available. There will also be the largest and newly updated Trail Marker Tree Exhibit, featuring photographic and written documentation of the Trail Trees both past and present. Admission is free.

For information contact:
Carol DeLorenzo, Redfield Coordinator, 847-298-0095.
1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL

Click here for directions / map

Friday, October 16th 2015 from 6-10 p.m.

For more information and tickets please visit
Hunger Resource Network's Second Annual Fundraising Event, Rock 'N Roll Revisited.

This event will be hosted by Pinstripes: Bowling, Bocce, Bistro in Northbrook. Hunger Resource Network is an all-volunteer organization that is dedicated to the alleviation of hunger. Dennis will be donating a print of one of his award-winning pieces, a signed DVD of "23 Blast" and a signed book, "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness" to this event.

Tickets for this event are $75 per person and the event includes: entertainment, appetizers, dinner, silent and live auction, wine and a cash bar.

Hunger Resource Network's: "Rock 'N Roll Revisited"
Pinstripes: Bowling, Bocce, Bistro
1150 Willow Road, Northbrook, IL
Dennis Downes Trail Trees

Friday, October 9th, from 5:00-8:30 p.m.

For more information please visit
Antioch Fine Arts Foundation Annual Art Auction and Fundraiser

Anastasia's Restaurant and Sports Lounge

This event will include original artwork, raffle prizes, door prizes, a wine tasting and much more! Dennis is a founding member of the Antioch Fine Arts Foundation; he will be donating several items to help raise funds to support this wonderful foundation. Please join them for this fun filled event (admission is free).

Antioch Fine Arts Foundation: Annual Silent Art Auction and Fundraiser
Anastasia's Restaurant and Sports Lounge
950 Hillside Ave, Antioch, Illinois
Friday, October 9th, from 5:00-8:30 p.m.

61st Annual Pow Wow American Indian Center September 26, 2015 Chicago Illinois Author Dennis Downes was asked to have a small exhibit on the Trail Marker Trees as part of the 61st annual Pow Wow Busse Woods in Schamburg, IL. at the request of Andrew Johnson, Executive Director of the American Indian Center. Pictured is Alaka Wali, curator of North American Anthropology at the Field Museum in Chicago with her assistant discussing the Trail Marker Trees and their relationship to the Great Lakes Region. Dennis has been asked to be a consultant reguarding the Trail Marker Trees and their relationship to our area.

July 13, 2015 Eagle Staff Restoration Muskegon, Michigan Hilda "Little Fawn" Williams, daughter of Chief Thundercloud, with artist Dennis Downes. Dennis had a small part to play at the request of Hilda to make the physical shaft for the eagle staff. This eagle staff is brought out on to the ice during the Chicago Blackhawks games to honor Native American Veterans.

April 30th, 2015 Joseph Sears Grade School in Kenilworth Illinois

A special outdoor presentation Trail Marker Trees and Native American History.
Dennis Downes Trail Trees

April 28th, 2015 University Club of Chicago
Learn at Lunch Series
Trail Marker Tree Presentation
Dennis Downes Trail Trees

Trixter Art Gallery Schamburg, IL. April 18th 2015 Trail Marker Tree researcher Dennis Downes with Joe Yazzie in front of photograph of Joe Yazzie that appears in the vanishing culture project entitled " Butterflies and Buffalo" by famous photographer Dennis Manarchy. Photograph of Dennis also appears in this project. Joe and Dennis spent time discussing different little known customs of the native americans, including the use of the Trail Marker Trees, standing stones, pictographs and petroglyphs.

April 11th, 2015 King Bruwaert Residence, Burr Ridge, Illinois Trail Marker Tree Lecture and Presentation, hosted by the Capt. Hubbard Burrows Chapter of the National Society Daughters of the American Revolution Dennis Downes Trail Trees

15th Anniversary Grove Show

March 19th - 22nd 2015
The Grove Show: March 19-22, 2015

This March, Dennis will be having his annual solo show at the Grove Redfield Estate. His award winning artwork, both paintings and sculpture, will be on display and available for purchase. His newest originals and both small and large prints will be available. There will also be the largest and newly updated Trail Marker Tree Exhibit, featuring photographic and written documentation of the Trail Trees both past and present. Admission is free.

Special guests Gary Donatelli producer and director, Andrew Johnson Executive Director American Indian Ctr. and Hilda little fawn Williams, Elder from the American Indian Ctr. art students from Glenbrook North were given a private lecture and tour of the show by the artist.

. For information contact:
Carol DeLorenzo, Redfield Coordinator, 847-298-0095.
1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL

Click here for directions / map

February 19th, 5:30 p.m. Ruggles Hall, The Newberry Library
Indigenous Navigations: Native American Trail Marker Trees

Dennis will be giving a presentation for the Chicago Map Society regarding the Native American Trail Trees. This event is free and open to the public. This event is co-sponsored by the D'Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies and the Hermon Dunlap Smith Center for the History of Cartography, both at the Newberry Library. For more information please visit the Chicago Map Society Event Page

December 11th, 2014 - January 31st, 2015 Christmas Art Exhibit
Dennis' artwork is on display at the downtown Studio. Opening night is the Holiday Open House and his Artwork will remain on display until the end of January. To schedule an appointment for a private showing please contact Downes Studio at 847-395-8875.
Dennis Downes Trail Trees

January 9th, 3:30 p.m. Northbrook Voices, An Oral History Project Sponsored by the Northbrook Historical Society and the Northbrook Public Library Recorded Interview that will be preserved in the permanent collections of the Northbrook Historical Society and the Northbrook Public Library. Dennis Downes Trail Trees

November 5th, 2014

Trail Marker Tree Program
Marquette Regional History Center
145 W. Spring Street, Marquette, MI
Planned during Native American awareness month - the Marquette Regional History Center will be hosting Dennis Downes for an educational lecture and exhibit about Trail Marker Trees and a book signing.

Special guest, Earl Otchingwanigan (Professor Emeritus of Ojibwe Language, Consultant for the Smithsonian Institution Folk Life Programs) will be joining Dennis for this event.

October 23, 2014

Movie Premier of 23 Blast

Lexington, Kentucky

Dennis and Gail are looking forward to their trip to Lexington, Kentucky for the Red Carpet Premier of the movie this coming week on October 23rd.

They will be joining all the stars for this spectacular event, including Stephen Lang, who plays the football coach (starred in Avatar).

The Kentucky Homecoming Lexington Premier of "23 Blast" with the actors, writers, and producers in attendance will be benefitting the Visually Impaired Preschool Services.

Don't forget to go see the movie in Theatres! It comes out October 24th Nationwide!

Saturday, October 11th at noon

Glenbrook North High School

2300 Shermer Rd, Northbrook, IL 60062

Saturday, October 11th at noon, Glenbrook North High School's Theatre will be airing the special sneak preview of the movie "23 Blast" Producer, Gary Donatelli, GBN class '69 will be attending this special event.

This event is open to the public and admission will be free! Come and join us for the sneak preview of this inspirational movie!

Glenbrook North High School is located at 2300 Shermer Rd, Northbrook, IL 60062.
Glenbrook North High School

October 10th 2014

Antioch Fine Arts Foundation Annual Fundraiser
Anastasia's Restaurant
950 Hillside Avenue, Antioch, Illinois

Mr. Downes donates his artwork to this event every year to help support the AFAF who's mission is to serve our community by providing education, resources and a forum for the creation and expression of visual arts for members and residents.

Northbrook Fine Arts Festival

10 a.m. - 5p.m. on Saturday July 12th
10a.m. - 4p.m. Sunday, July 13th
The show will be open from 10 a.m. - 5p.m. on Saturday, July 12th and from 10a.m. - 4p.m. Sunday, July 13th. Don't miss this great event! This beautiful artful experience is set in the picturesque Village Green Park, with its tree lined paths and hometown feel. Art in the Park - A Northbrook Fine Arts Festival presents the highest quality in fine art and will have over 60 Artists displaying their work. In addition to the beautiful artwork, this highly anticipated event will have food vendors, live music, children's activities, and more! The parking and admission are free for this event put on by the Northbrook Arts Commission in Collaboration with the Northbrook Park District and E&M Events.

Village Green Park
Corner of Shermer and Meadow Roads
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
Northbrook Village Green Park

JUNE 16 - 20, 2014


12:00 to 2:00 PM


James R. Thompson Center
100 W. Randolph, Suite 2-100
Chicago, IL 60601

** Atrium hours are Monday through Friday, 7 AM to 6 PM, closed state holidays. The Atrium is free and wheelchair-accessible. Tours are welcome. Please call for appointments, 312-814-5318

JUNE 13, 2014

Butterflies and Buffalo: Part II An American Portrait

June 13th, the Exhibition "Butterflies and Buffalo: Part II An American Portrait" will be opening in Chicago. This exhibit, by Dennis Manarchy, will capture some of the seldom seen faces and vanishing cultures from all across the country. Manarchy will be using his giant 35-foot long camera to capture tremendous detail. Manarchy selected our very own, Dennis Downes, to be one of the faces captured as part of this exhibit. Dennis Downes attended this special opening.

The Hilton Asthmus
716 Wells, Chicago, IL
Dennis Manarchy

May 2014

Antioch Country Club

May 2014

Antioch Country Club

Emmons School District #33 Fundraiser

Mr. Downes is donating a signed copy of the book "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths through the Wilderness" and a signed print.
Antioch Country Club

April 26th, 2014-Crow Island Woods Park Tribal Council Circle Event

Winnetka, Illinois

April 26th, 2014-Crow Island Woods Park Tribal Council Circle Event Winnetka, Illinois Dennis Downes with The Winnetka Park District, The American Indian Center of Chicago, The Winnetka Historical Society.

At this event Dennis, with the help of the supporting groups, was able to complete his vision years in the making. Dennis, Robert Smith (Executive Director of the Winnetka Park District), and Andrew Johnson (Executive Director of the American Indian Center of Chicago) addressed the crowd, explaining the significance of the Tribal Council Circle and the history of the area.

Dennis was the keynote speaker at the event. Then, Andrew and Dennis planted the entrance tree at the eastern point of the Council Circle together as part of a special ceremony; Andrew then blessed the tree by performing the Smudging Ceremony.

Forty-eight trees were planted in a perfect circle, one-hundred and sixty feet in diameter. Over half of the oak saplings that were planted were grown from acorns saved and preserved from an actual Trail Marker Tree.
April 26th, 2014-Crow Island Woods Park Tribal Council Circle Event Winnetka, Illinois Dennis Downes

April 22nd, 2014-Earth Day Celebration

Shaping the Trail Marker Tree Sunset Woods Park

Highland Park, Illinois

April 22nd, 2014-Earth Day Celebration in Highland Park Illinois, Shaping the Trail Marker Tree Sunset Woods Park, Sheahan Woods Dennis Downes with the Highland Park Park District, Indian Trail School, Highland Park Historical Society.

At this event Dennis shaped the white oak sapling that was planted at last year's ceremony to commemorate the original Trail Marker Tree that once stood at this site. The original Trail Marker Tree led to the nearby Potawatomi village, now the site of the Exmoor Country Club.

Rebecca Grill, with the Highland Park Park District, helped to organize this event. In attendance were the students from Indian Trail School, Highland Park Mayor Nancy Rottering, and Highland Park Historical Society President Rob Rottering.

Dennis gave an educational talk to the students of Indian Trail School and Dennis was joined by his special guests Andrew Johnson (Executive Director of the American Indian Center of Chicago), Dan Melone (Cook County Archeologist), and Francis Sheahan (94 years old, descendant of the original property owners where the Trail Marker Tree is located, saw the original Trail Marker Tree before it's demise).
Earth Day in Highland Park

Trickster Art Gallery
April 11th through April 17th
Opening night: April 11th from 7p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Lecture and Book Signing with Trail Marker Tree Exhibit at the Trickster Art Gallery

The Trickster Art Gallery increases the visibility and impact of contemporary cultural arts and education through all arts media, music, veterans, fatherhood, and social justice issues to advance these programs.

Trickster Art Gallery
190 South Roselle, Schaumburg, IL 60193
Trickster Art Gallery

March 23rd, 2014

Plant Your Dreams at Shore, Fundraiser

On March 23rd, Shore held its Spring Benefit called Plant Your Dreams At Shore at the brand new Fields Chrysler Jeep Dodge and Ram dealership, 2800 Patriot Blvd. in Glenview.

Shore community services have been providing exceptional services to individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities in our community for 61 years.

Mr. Downes has participated in this fundraiser for the past 13 years helping to raise funds by participating and donating artwork for the live auction and items for the silent auction. For more information on tickets call 847-982-2030
Plant Your Dreams at Shore, Fundraiser

The 14th Annual Grove Solo Show
March 13th- 16th, 2014
Opening Night: Thursday, March 13th -5 pm to 10 pm
Friday March 14-1 pm to 10 pm
Saturday March 15-1 pm to 10 pm
Sunday March 16-12 pm to 5 pm
The Grove Show: March 13-16, 2014

This March, Dennis will be having his annual solo show at the newly renovated Grove Redfield Estate. His award winning artwork, both paintings and sculpture, will be on display and available for purchase. His newest originals and both small and large prints will be available. There will also be a large educational Trail Marker Tree exhibit on display and a book signing for his newly published book, "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness." Dennis' newest bronze pieces will be on display. Wine and hor'dourves will be served and admission is free.

For information contact:
Carol DeLorenzo, Redfield Coordinator, 847-298-0095.
1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL

Click here for directions / map
Grove Redfield Estate


Book Signing at the Kenosha Gander Mountain

November 9th, 2013
9:00am to 5:00pm

6802 118th Ave, Kenosha, WI 53140

Dennis will be at the Kenosha location Gander Mountain signing and selling books from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., be sure to stop out and get a book!
Gander Mountain Kenosha

October 24th, 6:30-8pm

Lecture and Book Signing at The Lookout Mountain Nature Center
910 Colorow Road
Golden, CO 80401
Mr. Downes will be giving an educational lecture and presentation about the Trail Marker Trees, following which he will be personally signing books for all visitors. Lookout Mountain Nature Center

Antioch Fine Art Foundation Auction and Wine Tasting

Friday, October 18, 2013
Time: 5:00pm - 8:30pm

Anastasia's Restaurant & Sports Lounge
950 Hillside Ave Antioch, IL 60002
A spectacular event you won't want to miss! The annual fundraiser is scheduled for Friday, October 18 from 5:00pm - 8:30pm at a new location: Anastasia's Restaurant & Sports Lounge (950 Hillside Ave Antioch, IL 60002).

Dennis will be donating framed prints to this event and will be present for the entire event.

All artist's work donated is 100% donation - another way to share the diverse world of art for others to enjoy.

All funds raised enables the continuation of the Foundation to reach out to our community!

September 20th and 21st (Friday and Saturday)

Art of the Land

At the Starline Gallery:
400 W. Front Street, Harvard, IL
This show will help raise funds for The Land Conservancy of McHenry County. Dennis will be displaying some of his Original works and will have books for sale. Please join us!

Saturday, October 12

Trail Marker Tree Lecture and Book Signing.

Park Ridge Country Club
Park Ridge, IL
The Twenty-first Star Chapter, NSDAR (National Society Daughters of the American Revolution) is looking forward to hearing Dennis give a presentation on Saturday, October 12, 2013 at the Park Ridge Country Club in Park Ridge. Neighboring chapters are welcome to attend. National Society Daughters of the American

Sunday, July, 28th

Art on the Lawn and Grand Opening

Downtown Antioch, 10a.m. - 4p.m.
The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation will be having their annual Art on the Lawn while celebrating the opening of their new Gallery!
Dennis will be present for the event.

Where the Land Meets the Sky
(Opening Reception)
July 12th 7-9 p.m.
Wright Gallery, College of Lake County
19351 W. Washington
Grayslake, Il 60030
Dennis will be displaying some of his beautiful landscape paintings as well as his newest, never before seen, bronze Trail Marker Tree Sculptures. Dennis will also have a small educational Trail Marker Tree exhibit. The college has created and will be presenting some impressive broadside story boards explaining the Trail Marker Trees to accompany Dennis work. The show runs from July 8th through August 16th.

**Please visit the following link for more detailed directions to the Gallery:
The C-Wing entrance is the easiest access. Look for signage for the gallery when inside the building.

May 21-22 NAIHC 39th Annual Convention and Trade Show

Held at the Sheraton Chicago Hotel & Towers (301 East North Water Street, Chicago, IL)
NAIHC's most longstanding annual event, the Annual Convention and Trade Show is an opportunity to learn about tribal housing, attend training courses, and network with successful housing professionals as well as vendors from across the country. Housing Data Systems hosted Mr. Downes' small Trail Marker Tree Exhibit and Book Signing as part of their company presentation for this convention.

Tuesday, May 14th

Traverse City, Michigan

Lecture at the Trail Marker Tree Site and Book Signing at the Eyaawing Museum and Cultural Center.
Mr. Downes, joined by Hilda Williams, and Bill Kennis and Bruce Wiegand of the History Center of Traverse City, gave a short educational lecture at the site of the Traverse City Trail Tree. Mr. Downes was then invited to the Eyaawing Museum and Cultural Center of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians to have a small exhibit and book signing. The Museum Director, Cindy Winslow, and Museum Curator, Marjorie Jacko, were able to participate in this great event.

Saturday, May 4th

Sunset Woods Park Trail Marker Tree Replacement Planting

Sunset Woods Park, Highland Park, IL
The Park District of Highland Park (Natural Areas Manager, Rebecca Grill), along with JoBe Cerny (producer and director), and Rob Rotering (Highland Park Historical Society President) helped to organize an event commemorating and replacing a documented Trail Marker Tree in Sunset Woods Park, Highland Park, Illinois. A sapling oak tree was planted as the first step in this project; in the future this oak will be shaped into a Trail Marker Tree for future generations to see. Mr. Downes will be involved in the future shaping of this tree.

April 28-29, 2013
Green Bay, WI

“A New Twist in Time”
As part of the Arbor Day and Earth Week Celebration in Green Bay, Mr. Downes will be returning to shape three sapling trees into Trail Marker Trees along the beginning of the Green Bay Trail. Mr. Downes will also be presenting an educational lecture about the Trail Marker Trees.

A special thanks to Jim O’Rourke for his efforts to organize this event.

April 20th, 2013

SHORE Inc. Fundraiser, “Music to our Ears”

Ravinia in Highland Park.
SHORE Community Services have been providing exceptional services to individuals’ with developmental disabilities for over 60 years. Mr. Downes has participated in this annual fundraiser for the past 13 years, helping to raise funds by participating and donating artwork for the live auction, as well as items for the silent auction.

For more information and/or tickets please contact Mary Matz at (847)-982-2030 ex. 21.

The Grove Show: March 21 - 24, 2013


The show will run Thursday through Sunday:
Thursday, March 21st from 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Friday, March 22nd from 12 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday, March 23th from 12 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Sunday, March 24th from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

The Grove Show: March 21-24, 2013

This March, Dennis will be having his annual solo show at the newly renovated Grove Redfield Estate. His award winning artwork, both paintings and sculpture, will be on display and available for purchase. His newest Originals and both small and large prints will be available. There will also be a large educational Trail Marker Tree exhibit on display and a book signing for his newly published book, "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness." Over the past year the Grove Redfield Estate has been newly renovated, making this show's setting truly exquisite and surrounded by the beauty of nature. Wine and hor'dourves will be served and admission is free.

For information contact:
Carol DeLorenzo, Redfield Coordinator, 847-298-0095.
1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL

Click here for directions / map

January 26th, 2013

Dallas, Texas
The Dallas Historic Tree Coalition hosted a lecture and book signing for Mr. Downes in Dallas, Texas.
Before the event Mr. Downes was interview on the local ABC News station.

Below is a quote from the Dallas Historic Tree Coalition, Mary Graves, Regarding the event:

"We were honored to host Dennis Downes for a lecture and book signing in Dallas Texas. The event was a great success, drawing over 120 people - professors, students, Master Naturalists, Mater Gardeners, American Indians, families with young children, and people who simply love to hear about these wonderful Trail Marker Trees. Many traveled to hear Dennis speak, some as far as 350 miles. The appeal of this subject is wide, and we were delighted to showcase Downes' depth of knowledge and good information to so many enthusiastic listeners. The lecture was interesting, and the photographs and supporting material were excellent. After the lecture, the momentum continued as many attendees stayed to talk with the author and have him sign their books.

It was a rare opportunity to hear one who has invested a lifetime in this research, and for a moment, we got a glimpse of what it must be like to walk those trails with Dennis, and to live in a world that requires an entirely different set of skills to survive. As a group that works to bring the stories of these great historic trees to the public, we were delighted for the awareness that Dennis raised in our community. Best of all, as a result of Dennis' lecture, there are new enthusiasts in our landscapes watching for these trees, and there is a greater urgency to learn about them, protect them and recognize them for the treasures that they are."

--Mary Graves, President, Dallas Historic Tree Coalition

December 3rd, 2012 Annual Art Show and Holiday Party Held in Downtown Chicago.

October 12, 2012

Antioch Fine Arts Foundation Annual Fundraiser and Award Presentation
Mr. Downes donates his artwork to this event every year.
During this year's event Mr. Downes was awarded the Honorary Lifetime Membership from the Foundation.

October, 2012 Filming of the Interview with Director and Producer Gary Donatelli with Mr. Downes

Fall, 2012

Filming of Upcoming Documentary by JoBe Cerny
Mr. Downes was interviewed for his expertise on the Native American Trail Marker Trees.
Filming was on location in Highland Park, Lakes Region Historical Society, and Mr. Downes' Trail Marker Tree Exhibit in Chicago.

August, 2012

Book Signing aboard Chicago's Leading Lady
Educational Lecture and Book Signing

August 25 & 26

10am to 6pm

Port Clinton Fine Art Festival

Highland Park, Illinois

This event, one of the area's top fine art festivals, takes place in Downtown Highland Park, Illinois

For more information call 847-926-4300 or visit

Downes Studio Art Shows

May 25th 2012
Glenbrook North High School
Shermer Road Performing Arts Auditorium
Northbrook, Illinois
This event is held every year to honor and award scholarships to the graduating seniors for outstanding scholarship, athleticism and participation in extracurricular activities. Mr. Downes is to receive the Distinguished Alumnus Award for 2012, for his artistic accomplishments and the completion of his book. Native American Trail Marker Trees Marking Paths Through The Wilderness. He has also been asked to give a short speech at the event.

May 04, 2012

Antioch Country Club
Emmons School District #33 Fundraiser

Mr. Downes is donating a signed copy of the book "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths through the Wilderness" and a signed print of the art piece entitled "Wilderness Coast".
Downes Studio Art Shows

April 28th, 10:00 AM

Glencoe Illinois
Kalk Park

Mr. Downes will be giving a talk on trail marker trees as well as shaping a Native American trail marker tree, as part of the Arbor Day celebration in Glencoe at Kalk Park April 28th 10 AM. There will be a book signing following the talk, several Glencoe Park officials will be in attendance, Don Van Arsdale-Executive Director, Rick Bold, director of parks, and Tom Mc Donald-arborist/horticulturist. James O'Rourke former Glencoe resident and historian now residing in Green Bay will also be speaking at the event Mr. Downes has worked in Green Bay Wisconsin with Mr. O'Rourke on a project called.. a twist in time… also related to the trail marker trees that once followed the famous Green Bay trail.

The Park is located at the corner of Greenbay road And Park Ave., Glencoe, IL

For more information contact Glencoe director of parks.

March 20th, 2012 Filming of the Podcast on JDI with Janet Davies, ABC An in-depth interview regarding the release of Mr. Downes' new book and the history of the Trail Marker Trees.

Saturday, March 17th 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Hours: 1:00PM -- 5:00PM

Book Signing and Educational Lecture

The author will be giving an educational lecture starting at 1 p.m. in the auditorium regarding the Trail Marker Trees and his thirty year study. After the lecture the author will be signing books. Books will be available for purchase at the event.

Northbrook Public Library, Auditorium
1201 Cedar Lane
Northbrook, IL 60062


The Grove Show: March 8-11, 2012


The show will run Thursday through Sunday:
Thursday, March 8th from 5 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Friday, March 9th from 12 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday, March 10th from 12 p.m. - 10 p.m.
Sunday, March 11th from 12 p.m. - 5 p.m.

The Grove Show: March 8-11, 2012

This March, Dennis will be having his annual solo show at the newly renovated Grove Redfield Estate. His award winning artwork, both paintings and sculpture, will be on display and available for purchase. His newest Originals and both small and large prints will be available. There will also be a large educational Trail Marker Tree exhibit on display and a book signing for his newly published book, "Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness." Over the past year the Grove Redfield Estate has been newly renovated, making this show's setting truly exquisite and surrounded by the beauty of nature. Wine and hor'dourves will be served and admission is free.

For information contact:
Carol DeLorenzo, Redfield Coordinator, 847-298-0095.
1421 Milwaukee Ave, Glenview IL

Click here for directions/map

Sunday, January 29th 2012

12:00pm - 4:00pm

Antioch Public Library

757 North Main Street (Route 83), Antioch, IL 60002
The Antioch Public Library will be hosting a public book signing with local author, Dennis Downes, for his new book Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness. Steve Young (Knonozo), local Potawatomi Historical Expert referenced in the book, will be joining the author at this event. There will also be a large informational and photographic Trail Marker Tree exhibit on display during the event. Hard Cover Books and the Special Limited Edition books will be available for sale.

Friday, December 23rd 1-3p.m.

Minocqua, Wisconsin

Book Signing Event
Book Signing Event hosted by Ann Miller of the Worldly Bookers Book Club, the author will be present for the entirety of the event to sign your books!

December 15th
5:30-9 p.m.

Holiday Open House, Art Show, and Trail Marker Tree Exhibit

432 East Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL

Please join us in celebrating the season for the annual Holiday Open House! There will be Originals, Prints, and Proofs including some of the newest Original Trail Marker Tree pieces that were featured in the book, “Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness.” There will also be an informational Trail Marker Tree exhibit on display. As a special treat, author Dennis Downes will be signing copies of his book! Come for the art, books, exhibit, or even just the festive appetizers and cocktails! Hope to see you there!

The Art Show and Trail Marker Tree exhibit will be on display and open to the public through January 15th 9a.m. – 5 p.m. daily, books are also available for sale!

December 8, 2011
Barnes and Noble
720 Hawthorne Center
Vernon Hills, IL 60061
Book Signing at Barnes and Noble

Dennis will be signing books at the Vernon Hills Barnes and Noble as part of the Book Fair.
Part of the proceeds from this event will go to the Lake County Discovery Museum.

The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation (AFAF)

Saturday, December 3rd
12:00pm - 4:00 pm

817 Main Street, Antioch, IL 60002

The Antioch Fine Arts Foundation (AFAF) in partnership with the Lakes Region Historical Society are pleased to announce that local artist and author Dennis Downes will be signing books from 12:00-4:00 pm on December 3, 2011 at the Lakes Region Historical Society on 817 Main Street (Route 83) in Antioch.

To highlight the breadth and depth of Dennis' work, his artwork will also be on display at the Antioch Fine Arts Gallery. Several original sketches from his new book will be on display at this event. Stop into the AFAF gallery after you see Dennis at the Old School House on December 3rd, there will be hot cider and light snacks at the Gallery. This event is open to the public. The exhibit will be up for the month of December.

During the event Mayor L. Hansen made an official Proclamation declaring December 3rd Dennis Downes Day.
Click here to see the Proclamation
Antioch Book Signing

Thursday, November 17th


WGN Television
Dennis will be appearing on WGN Midday News Thursday, November 17th at noon (Central Time).
If you live in the Chicagoland area WGN is channel 9, otherwise please check your provider's channel listings.
You can also go to this website, type in your zip code, and find out what channel WGN is on where you are located:

Dennis will be discussing his new book, Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness, his study, and related historical sculptures.

If you miss Dennis on TV, you can catch him on WGN online: after the show is aired on TV.

November 1th 7:00-8:00 p.m Dennis will appear on WTTW's Chicago Tonight, with Geoffrey Baer being interviewed about his newly releases book, Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths through the Wilderness To watch the interview click here

Thursday, October 20th
5:30 p.m. - 9:30 p.m.

Book Signing of the Newly Released:

Native American Trail Marker Trees: Marking Paths Through the Wilderness

The author, Dennis Downes, and Janet Davies, well-known Chicago television host, executive producer of ABC7 News's 190 North, and historian who wrote the foreword will both be in attendance. Both Hard Cover and Special Limited Edition Books will be available for purchase, Dennis and Janet will both be signing books. A large photographic and informational Trail Marker Tree exhibit will on display for the event.

The event will take place at 432 East Grand Avenue, Chicago, IL 60611

For more information call: 847-395-8875

April 29-30, 2011

6:30 - 11:00
The Art Garage
1409 Main Street Green Bay, WI 54302-1701
“A New Twist in Time” As part of the Arbor Day and Earth Week Celebration in Green Bay, Dennis was asked to present his Trail Marker Tree exhibit along with some artistic pieces, give educational lectures, and participate in the planting of several trees to commemorate the historical Trail Marker Trees. “A New Twist in Time” included a Trail Marker Tree float in Green Bay’s Green Parade and won a special award for the float. This event partnered with the Mayor’s Beautification Committee, Brown County Historical Society, Historic Allouez Society, Fox-Wisconsin Heritage Parkway, East High School, and the Greater Green Bay EarthWeek Coalition.

A special thanks to Jim O’Rourke for his efforts.

contact us by email:
contact us by phone: 847.395.8875